Using SET Options in SQL Query Analyzer

SQL Query Analyzer Help

SQL Query Analyzer Help

Using SET Options in SQL Query Analyzer

Connection-level options are specified with SET statements. These are default settings for SET options in SQL Query Analyzer.

Option Default Setting
Set nocount OFF
Set noexec OFF
Set parseonly OFF
Set concat_null_yields_null ON
Set rowcount 0
Set ansi_defaults ON
Set arithabort ON
Set showplant_text OFF
Set statistics time OFF
Set statistics 10 OFF
Set ansi_nulls ON
Set ansi_null_dflt_on ON
Set ansi_padding ON
Set ansi_warnings ON
Set cursor_close_on_commit OFF
Set implicit_transactions OFF
Set quoted_identifier ON

Important  The SQL Query Analyzer default settings of Set ansi_defaults, Set arithabort, and Set quoted_identifier differ from the default settings in earlier releases of Microsoft® SQL Server™.

Use the Current Connection Properties dialog box to specify the settings for the current connection. Use the Connection Properties tab of the Options dialog box to specify the settings for all new connections.