Managing SQL Query Analyzer Windows

SQL Query Analyzer Help

SQL Query Analyzer Help

Managing SQL Query Analyzer Windows

In SQL Query Analyzer, you can customize the windows and control the behavior of the Editor pane and the Results pane. You can also specify fonts to use and manipulate the size of the Results pane relative to the Editor pane.

Specifying input and output options

You can control the look and behavior of the Query window through the Options dialog box, which is accessible from the Tools menu.

To customize the Editor pane, use the Editor tab in the Options dialog box:

  • To set the maximum number of undo buffers and the maximum cumulative size of all undo buffers.

  • To set the tab size (in spaces).

  • To control whether tabs are saved as tab characters or spaces.

  • To enable and disable dragging text in the Editor pane.

  • To specify the default non-Unicode file open format.

  • To specify whether the Results pane appears on a separate tab in the Query window (tabbed mode) or is displayed below the Editor pane (splitter mode). If tabbed mode is selected, you can also control whether the Results tab appears automatically after a query executes, and whether the Query window tabs are displayed at the top or the bottom of the window.

To customize the Results pane, use the Results tab in the Options dialog box:

  • To specify the default destination for results. The options are Results to Text, Results to Grids, and Results to File.

  • To specify the result set format.

  • To specify the maximum width for result set columns.

  • To specify whether to include column headers in the output and whether numbers are right-aligned.

  • To specify whether to scroll the Results pane as results are received.

  • To control various actions, such as discarding results or playing a sound, when execution completes.
Specifying fonts

Specify fonts used for text in the Editor pane, the Results text pane, the Results grid pane and Open Table window, the Execution Plan pane, the Statement Profile, the Statistics pane, and the Object Browser. Use the Fonts tab of the Options dialog box, accessible from the Tools menu, to specify the fonts to use. You can also right-click these panes and select Fonts from the Context menu.

Moving the splitter

When the Query window is split, you can change the relative size of the Editor pane and the Results pane by positioning the mouse on the split bar and dragging it up or down.

To position the pointer on the split bar, press CTRL+B.

Showing/Hiding the Results Pane

If the Query window is in split mode, you can toggle the display of the Results pane by clicking the Show Results Pane button on the toolbar.