Query Window Statistics Pane

SQL Query Analyzer Help

SQL Query Analyzer Help

Query Window Statistics Pane

The Show Client Statistics command provides detailed information about client-side statistics for execution of the query. The output result set displayed in the Statistics pane contains these columns.

Column name Description
Counter Counter label.
Value The value of the counter, updated after each query execution .
Average A running average from the beginning of the connection or since the last manual reset.

The three groups of statistics counters are:

  • Application profile

  • Network

  • Time

These statistics are displayed only when query results are generated. They are not displayed when commands such as Parse, Display Estimated Execution Plan, or Index Tuning Wizard are selected.

Application Profile Statistics
Counter Description
Timer Resolution (milliseconds) Minimum resolution of the server clock time in milliseconds. This is usually reported as zero and should only be considered if the number reported is large. If the minimum resolution of the server clock is larger than the likely interval for some of the timer-based statistics, those statistics could be inflated.
Number of INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements Number of INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements after SQL_PERF_START.
Rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements Number of rows affected by INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements after SQL_PERF_START.
Number of SELECT statements Number of SELECT statements processed after SQL_PERF_START.
Rows affected by SELECT statements Number of rows selected after SQL_PERF_START.
Number of user transactions Number of user transactions after SQL_PERF_START, including rollbacks. When an ODBC application is running with SQL_AUTOCOMMIT_ON, each command is considered a transaction.
Average fetch time Equals SQLFetchTime/SQLFetchCount.
Cumulative fetch time Cumulative amount of time it took to complete fetches against server cursors.
Number of fetches Number of fetches performed against server cursors after SQL_PERF_START.
Number of open statement handles Number of statement handles currently open on all connections open in the driver.
Max number of open statement handles Maximum number of concurrently opened statement handles after SQL_PERF_START.
Cumulative number of statement handles Number of statement handles opened after SQL_PERF_START.

Network Statistics
Counter Description
Number of server roundtrips Number of times the driver sent commands to the server and received a reply.
Number of TDS packets sent Number of TDS packets sent to SQL Server by the driver after SQL_PERF_START. Large commands can take multiple buffers. For example, if a large command is sent to the server and it fills six packets, ServerRndTrips is incremented by one and BuffersSent is incremented by six.
Number of TDS packets received Number of TDS packets received by the driver from SQL Server after the application started using the driver.
Number of bytes sent Number of bytes of data sent to SQL Server in TDS packets after the application started using the driver.
Number of bytes received Number of bytes of data in TDS packets received by the driver from SQL Server after the application started using the driver.

Time Statistics
Counter Description
Cumulative client processing time Cumulative amount of time the driver spent processing after SQL_PERF_START, including the time it spent waiting for replies from the server.
Cumulative wait time on server replies Cumulative amount of time the driver spent waiting for replies from the server.