6.61.2 C Example
char strServer[ SYSTEM_LENGTH + 1 ] = "myserver";
int iMapperPort = 0;
BOOL fSSLRequired = false;
char strUserid[ USERID_LENGTH + 1 ] = "myuser";
char strPassword[ PASSWORD_LONG_LENGTH + 1 ] = "mypasswd";
char strNewPassword[ PASSWORD_LONG_LENGTH + 1 ] = "mynewpassword";
BOOL fEncryptPassword = true;
char strReturnCode[ RETURN_CODE_LENGTH + 1 ];
BOOL rc;
rc = LceSetIBMiSignon( strServer, iMapperPort, fSSLRequired, strUserid, strPassword, strNewPassword, fEncryptPassword, strReturnCode );
if ( rc )
if ( strcmp( strReturnCode, "OK" ) == 0 )
printf( "Signon details successfully changed." );
printf( "The request to the server has failed with return code: %s\n", strReturnCode );
printf( "The function failed to run successfully\n" );