6 12 LceDisplayErrors

LANSA Open Guide

6.12 LceDisplayErrors

Specifies whether error message handling is to be automated, with error messages automatically displayed in a dialog box.








hwnd )




TRUE if LANSA Open is to display messages.

FALSE if the application is to handle error messages.


Handle of parent window for the error dialog box. This should be a valid window handle, usually the main window for the application. This parameter can be NULL if the application cannot supply a window handle that will always be valid. If NULL is specified, the active window at the time the error occurs will be used. Error messages will not be displayed if an invalid window handle is specified.


Return Values

TRUE if the function is successful.

FALSE is returned if an error occurs.


There are two types of error message within LANSA Open:

1.  Messages sent by the host when a function results in errors.

2.  Messages generated by the LANSA Open functions.

This function allows your application to use LANSA Open's automated error message display facilities, displaying both types of messages in a list box.

The default action is NOT to display messages.

If this function is not used or if fDisplay is set to FALSE, applications must handle error messages themselves using LceGetStatus and LceGetMessage.

Related Functions

6.40 LceGetStatus

6.34 LceGetIBMiSignon