6 3 Lce3GLCall

LANSA Open Guide

6.3 Lce3GLCall

Executes the specified 3GL program on the IBM i. Parameters can be passed to and from the 3GL program using associated LANSA Open functions.







 char far *




 char far *









The session identifier as returned by LceGetSessionId.


The name of the IBM i program. The length should not exceed PROGRAM400_LENGTH as defined in the LCOE.H header file.


The name of the IBM i program library. The length of strLibrary should not exceed LIBRARY_LENGTH as defined in the LCOE.H header file.


The number of highest first level parameter block specified in iParam of  the preceding Lce3GLDefineParameter. For example, if you defined first level parameters of 0 through 5, iParam is set to 5.   


Return Values

TRUE is returned if the session can execute the program.

FALSE is returned if an error occurs.


Portability Considerations

Lce3GLCall is only supported if your host system is an IBM i. An error will be returned by the host if you make a call to any other platform.


The Lce3GLCall function permits the passing of parameter blocks both to and from the called 3GL program.

Lce3GLDefineParameter is used to define the parameters before using this call.  Lce3GLDefineParameter should define a contiguous range of first level parameters.

Lce3GLGetValue is used to retrieve the parameters in returned parameter blocks. The Lce3GLDefineParameter function indicates whether there will be any returned parameters.

Your application must wait until the IBM i program has completed. Error messages will be routed back to your application.

  • This function can only be executed after a session has been opened.


Use Lce3GLCall to re-use tried-and-true 3GL programs which perform complicated calculations.

Related Functions

6.4 Lce3GLDefineParameter

6.5 Lce3GLGetValue