5 3 5 Saving Changes Inserting Records

LANSA Open Guide

5.3.5 Saving Changes / Inserting Records

The command button, Save, is used to Insert or Update a record. Before updating the data entered by the user, it has to be set in the session buffer. In this case it is done in the Change Event of the form fields.

Note : A value of  '''' is invalid as it is not a null terminated string, chr(0) must be used instead.


Private Sub txtCode_LostFocus ()



    If txtCode <> "" Then

        iRet = LceSetFieldValue(iSession, "SKILCODE", txtCode)



' note we require a null terminated string 

iRet = LceSetFieldValue(iSession, "SKILCODE", Chr(0))

    End If

End Sub


Private Sub cmdSave_Click()



    If bAdding = True Then

        ' user is inserting a new record

        iRet = LceInsert(iSession, "SKILCODE,SKILDESC", _

                  "SKLTAB", LceFalse)



        ' user is saving changes record

        iRet = LceUpdate(iSession, "SKILCODE,SKILDESC", _

                  "SKLTAB", "SKILCODE", LceFalse)


    End If


    If iRet = LceTrue Then

        ' if successful force a refresh so list shows changes

        Call RefreshSkillsList

    End If


End Sub