dotmailer SDK: dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact Interface Reference

dotmailer SDK

dotmailer SDK
Tools to access and manage an account in the dotMailer system
dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact Interface Reference

DM Contact Interface More...

Inheritance diagram for dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact:
dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmObject dotMailer.Sdk.Cache.IDmCacheableObject dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.DmContact dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Contacts.DmSuppressedContact

Public Member Functions

void SetContactId (int newId)
 Sets the Id of the contact


int Id [get]
 Gets the ID of the contact
string Email [get]
 Gets the email of the contact
ContactAudience Audience [get]
 Get the audience type
EmailContentTypes EmailType [get]
 Gets the email type
EmailOptIn OptIn [get]
 Gets the opt-in type for the contact
string Notes [get]
 gets the notes
DmDataFieldValueCollection DataFields [get]
 Gets and enumeration of the data fields for the contact
bool HasDataFields [get]
 Flag to indicate the datafields have been loaded
- Properties inherited from dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmObject
int AccountId [get]
 The DotMailer account Id for this object
string ExternalId [get]
 A key that represents this object, used for synching with external applications
bool IsDirty [get]
 has the data of the object changed

Detailed Description

DM Contact Interface

Member Function Documentation

void dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.SetContactId ( int  newId)

Sets the Id of the contact


Implemented in dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.DmContact.

Property Documentation

ContactAudience dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.Audience

Get the audience type

DmDataFieldValueCollection dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.DataFields

Gets and enumeration of the data fields for the contact

string dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.Email

Gets the email of the contact

EmailContentTypes dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.EmailType

Gets the email type

bool dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.HasDataFields

Flag to indicate the datafields have been loaded

int dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.Id

Gets the ID of the contact

string dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.Notes

gets the notes

EmailOptIn dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmContact.OptIn

Gets the opt-in type for the contact

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