dotmailer SDK: dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView Class Reference

dotmailer SDK

dotmailer SDK
Tools to access and manage an account in the dotMailer system
dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView Class Reference

A Campaign Page View More...

Inheritance diagram for dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView:
dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmObject dotMailer.Sdk.Cache.IDmCacheableObject


int AccountId [get, set]
 The parent account id
int CampaignId [get, set]
 The parent Campaign id
int ContactId [get, set]
 The ID of the contact sent the campaign through which the page view was generated.
string ContactEmail [get, set]
 the email address of the contact
Uri Url [get, set]
 The URL tracked as having been visited.
DateTime DateViewed [get, set]
 The date and time the page view was tracked.
string UserTag1 [get, set]
 User Tag
string UserTag2 [get, set]
 User Tag
string UserTag3 [get, set]
 User Tag
bool IsDirty [get]
 Returns true if the object has changed
string ObjectType [get, set]
 Returns the type name of the class Used by the serialisation process
string ExternalId [get]
 Gets/Sets the generated Id that uniquely identifies this record
- Properties inherited from dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmObject
int AccountId [get]
 The DotMailer account Id for this object
string ExternalId [get]
 A key that represents this object, used for synching with external applications
bool IsDirty [get]
 has the data of the object changed

Detailed Description

A Campaign Page View

Property Documentation

int dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.AccountId

The parent account id

int dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.CampaignId

The parent Campaign id

string dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.ContactEmail

the email address of the contact

int dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.ContactId

The ID of the contact sent the campaign through which the page view was generated.

DateTime dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.DateViewed

The date and time the page view was tracked.

string dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.ExternalId

Gets/Sets the generated Id that uniquely identifies this record

bool dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.IsDirty

Returns true if the object has changed

string dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.ObjectType

Returns the type name of the class Used by the serialisation process

Uri dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.Url

The URL tracked as having been visited.

string dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.UserTag1

User Tag

string dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.UserTag2

User Tag

string dotMailer.Sdk.Objects.Campaigns.DmCampaignPageView.UserTag3

User Tag

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