int | AccountId [get, set] |
| The parent account id
int | CampaignId [get, set] |
| The parent Campaign id
string | ContactEmail [get, set] |
| The email address of the contact.
string | Keyword [get, set] |
| The label assigned to the link in the campaign.
DateTime | DateClicked [get, set] |
| The date and time the link was clicked.
string | IpAddress [get, set] |
| The IP address that the contact was using when they clicked the link.
Uri | Url [get, set] |
| The destination of the link that the contact clicked on.
string | UserAgent [get, set] |
| The user agent the contact was using the read the email when the link was clicked.
bool | ForwardEstimates [get, set] |
| The number of estimated forwards
string | UserTag1 [get, set] |
| User Tag
string | UserTag2 [get, set] |
| User Tag
string | UserTag3 [get, set] |
| User Tag
bool | IsDirty [get] |
| Returns true if the object has changed
string | ObjectType [get, set] |
| Returns the type name of the class Used by the serialisation process
string | ExternalId [get] |
| Gets/Sets the generated Id that uniquely identifies this record
DmCampaignContactPageViewCollection | PageViews [get, set] |
| Returns the page views collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactActivity | Activity [get, set] |
| Returns the contact activity collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactLinkClickCollection | LinkClicks [get, set] |
| Returns the lick clicks collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactOpenCollection | Opens [get, set] |
| Returns the opens collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactReplyCollection | Replies [get, set] |
| Returns the replies collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactRoiDetailCollection | ContactsRoi [get, set] |
| Returns the contact roi collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactSocialBookmarkCollection | SocialBookmarks [get, set] |
| Returns the Social Bookmarks collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
DmCampaignContactForward | ForwardInfo [get, set] |
| Returns the forward info collection Lazy Loaded - will call web service on first access
int | AccountId [get] |
| The DotMailer account Id for this object
string | ExternalId [get] |
| A key that represents this object, used for synching with external applications
bool | IsDirty [get] |
| has the data of the object changed