dotmailer SDK: dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult Class Reference

dotmailer SDK

dotmailer SDK
Tools to access and manage an account in the dotMailer system
dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult Class Reference

Represents the result of an import contact operation. Can be used to track the progress of an import, and provides stats for the results of the import. More...

Inheritance diagram for dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult:
dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmObject dotMailer.Sdk.Cache.IDmCacheableObject

Public Member Functions

ImportWatcher GetImportWatcher ()
 Gets the an import watcher that can be used to watch for this import to be complete.
ImportWatcher GetImportWatcher (TimeSpan watchInterval)
 Gets the an import watcher that can be used to watch for this import to be complete
List< ContactImportStatus > SessionStatus ()
 Returns a list of the import status for each session that was used to


int AccountId [get, set]
 The parent account id
DateTime ImportDateTime [get, set]
 The DateTime (UTC) that the import result was created
int AddressBookId [get, set]
 Id of the address book that the contacts were imported into
ImportType ImportType [get, set]
 The type of the import
string UserTag1 [get, set]
 User Tag
string UserTag2 [get, set]
 User Tag
string UserTag3 [get, set]
 User Tag
ImportContactSessionCollection Sessions [get, set]
 The import sessions
ImportReport ImportReport [get]
 Returns the import report
ImportContactOptions ImportOptions [get, set]
 The import options that were used to import the contacts
bool Completed [get]
 Returns true if the import is completed with or without errors
AddContactResultStatus Status [get]
 Returns the status of the add result
int PercentageComplete [get]
 Returns the percentage of the completed contacts
bool IsDirty [get]
 Returns true if the object has changed
string ObjectType [get, set]
 Returns the type name of the class Used by the serialisation process
string ExternalId [get]
 Gets/Sets the generated Id that uniquely identifies this record
bool HasFaultedEmailAddresses [get]
 Does the report contain any email address that have failed
IEnumerable< string > FaultedEmailAddresses [get]
 Returns a list of the email addresses that were rejected
- Properties inherited from dotMailer.Sdk.Interfaces.IDmObject
int AccountId [get]
 The DotMailer account Id for this object
string ExternalId [get]
 A key that represents this object, used for synching with external applications
bool IsDirty [get]
 has the data of the object changed

Detailed Description

Represents the result of an import contact operation. Can be used to track the progress of an import, and provides stats for the results of the import.

Member Function Documentation

ImportWatcher dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.GetImportWatcher ( )

Gets the an import watcher that can be used to watch for this import to be complete.

The caller is responsible for disposing of the returned watcher.

ImportWatcher dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.GetImportWatcher ( TimeSpan  watchInterval)

Gets the an import watcher that can be used to watch for this import to be complete

Caller is responsible for disposing watcher

watchIntervaltime to wait between polls
List<ContactImportStatus> dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.SessionStatus ( )

Returns a list of the import status for each session that was used to


Property Documentation

int dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.AccountId

The parent account id

int dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.AddressBookId

Id of the address book that the contacts were imported into

bool dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.Completed

Returns true if the import is completed with or without errors

string dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.ExternalId

Gets/Sets the generated Id that uniquely identifies this record

IEnumerable<string> dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.FaultedEmailAddresses

Returns a list of the email addresses that were rejected

bool dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.HasFaultedEmailAddresses

Does the report contain any email address that have failed

DateTime dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.ImportDateTime

The DateTime (UTC) that the import result was created

ImportContactOptions dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.ImportOptions

The import options that were used to import the contacts

ImportReport dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.ImportReport

Returns the import report

ImportType dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.ImportType

The type of the import

bool dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.IsDirty

Returns true if the object has changed

string dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.ObjectType

Returns the type name of the class Used by the serialisation process

int dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.PercentageComplete

Returns the percentage of the completed contacts

ImportContactSessionCollection dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.Sessions

The import sessions

AddContactResultStatus dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.Status

Returns the status of the add result

string dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.UserTag1

User Tag

string dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.UserTag2

User Tag

string dotMailer.Sdk.Contacts.Importing.ImportContactResult.UserTag3

User Tag

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