Display Property Condition dialog box
Old Oracle Dialog Boxes
Feature Definition Conflict dialog box
Export Autodesk Map Objects to Oracle Schema dialog box
Warning This command will not
be supported in future releases. This is the old command for exporting
drawing objects to an Oracle database.
Use the Export Map Objects to Oracle dialog
box to export all objects in the drawing, select a set of objects,
or filter objects based on layers. You can also choose to export
block attributes, object data, and links to external databases.
Oracle Service and Schema
Connect to the Oracle service.
Object Selection Parameters
Select Automatically
Select all the objects in the drawing for export.
Select Manually
Select a set of objects for export. Click Select
and make your selection using any of the standard Map object-selection methods.
Filter Selected Objects
Click Layers and select the layers to export.
Click OK.
Attributes to Export
Select the types of data to export: block attributes,
object data, and links to external databases. Clear the check boxes
for any type of data that you do not want to export.
Erase Exported Objects
Erase Objects Exported From Drawing
Select this option to delete all objects that
are successfully exported to the Oracle database.