Object Thematic Mapping dialog box
Thematic Mapping Dialog Boxes (Older Method)
Select Linetype dialog box
Property Expression dialog box
Select a property.
Topology properties are not available when you
do object thematic mapping.
You cannot query using constant attributes.
Instead, use the block name in the query.
Topology Property
For polygon topologies, modify objects based
on the area of the polygon.
For network topologies, modify objects based
on their length.
For polygon topologies, modify objects based
on the perimeter of the polygon.
For network topologies, modify objects based
on their direction.
Direct Resistance
For network topologies, modify objects based
on their direct resistance.
Reverse Resistance
For network topologies, modify objects based
on their reverse resistance.
Object Property
Modify objects based on their area.
Area only works on circles, ellipses, polylines, splines,
regions, and solids. It does not work on objects created from line
segments. For example, Area will not work on a rectangle created
of four separate lines.
Block Name
Modify objects based on their block name.
Modify objects based on their color.
Modify objects based on their elevation.
Elevation is the Z value from the XY plane where the
object is defined.
Object Type
Modify objects based on their type.
Modify objects based on the groups they are members
Modify objects based on their layer.
Modify objects based on their length.
Modify objects based on their linetype.
Text Style
Modify objects based on their text style.
Text Value
Modify objects based on their text value.
Modify objects based on their thickness.
Thickness is the distance an object is extruded above
or below its elevation.