Export Autodesk Map Objects to Oracle dialog box (OSE)


Export Autodesk Map Objects to Oracle dialog box (OSE)

Use the Export Map Objects To Oracle dialog box to export all objects in the drawing, select a set of objects, or filter objects based on layers. You can also choose to export block attributes, object data, and links to external databases.

Oracle Service And Schema

Shows the connected service and schema.


Displays the Oracle Spatial Connection dialog box (OSE), where you can connect to an Oracle service and schema.

Feature Tables To Export

Shows how many feature tables are currently enabled for export and the total number of available feature tables.

Select Features

Displays the Select Schema for Connection dialog box (OSE), where you can select the feature tables to enable for export.

New Object Selection

Export New Objects To Database

Select this option to export objects that are new (that is, objects that have not been previously exported, and which do not already exist in the Oracle database).

Select Automatically

Select this option to export all the new objects in the drawing except those that are frozen or locked.

Select Manually

Select this option to make a selection of objects in the drawing. Click Select. Select the objects to export.

Update Schema With EditSet

The EditSet is the save set of locked and edited imported objects. These are the objects that you have edited or erased, which are ready to be exported to the database.

Update Edited And Erased Records

Select this option to export both edited and erased objects to the database. Clear this option if you do not want to update the records for these objects.

Remove Exported Objects and Attributes from Drawing

Select this option to delete the exported objects from the drawing. You should erase the objects unless you have a very good reason for not doing so. Not erasing the exported objects greatly increases the risk of duplicating objects. Erasing exported objects also means that you can easily see if any objects selected for export were rejected and remain in the drawing because they have conflicting definitions or other problems.