Thematic Legend Design dialog box


Thematic Legend Design dialog box

Use this dialog box to add a legend to a thematic map.

Create Legend

Creates a legend for the thematic modifications. Otherwise, no legend is created.

Create On Layer box

Specify the layer on which the legend should be created. Enter a new layer in the box or click Layers to select from a list of layers in the active drawings.

Insertion Point area

Specify the X and Y coordinates for the legend, or click Pick < to select the insert point.

Display Order area

Select whether the ranges are displayed in ascending order (lowest to highest) or descending order, based on the range numbers.

Symbols area

Specify settings for the symbols in the legend.

Boxed Symbols

Draws frames around symbols.

Size X and Size Y

Determine the width and height of symbols.


Symbol offset: the vertical distance between symbols.

Labels area

Specify the text Size and text Style for label text.


Label offset: the horizontal distance between the symbol and the accompanying text label.