File Type Categories.txt

WinHex & X-Ways

File Type Categories.txt


Diese vom Benutzer anpaßbare Datei definiert, aus welchen Dateitypen sich Kategorien zusammensetzen. Dem Namen einer Kategorie gehen drei Sternchen und ein Leerzeichen voraus (*** ), um ihn besonders kenntlich zumachen. Ihm folgt eine Liste von Dateitypen, die zu dieser Kategorie gehören, und zwar ein Dateityp pro Zeile. Solche Zeilen beginnen entweder mit einem "+" oder "-", wobei "+" einfach nur bedeutet, daß der Dateityp im Dateitypfilter mit einem Häkchen versehen ist. Darauf folgt die typische Dateinamenserweiterung, dahinter ein Leerzeichen, und dann eine Beschreibung des Dateityps. Großbuchstaben in der Erweiterung sind nicht zu verwenden. Derselbe Dateityp/dieselbe Dateiendung darf mehreren Kategorien zugeschlagen werden (Einschränkungen s. Beschreibung der Kategoriespalte).


Alternativ zu Dateinamenserweiterungen werden auch ganze Dateinamen unterstützt. Dies ist nützlich für bestimmte Dateien mit einem wohldefinierten Namen, deren Endung allein nicht spezifisch genug ist oder die keine Dateiendung haben. Vollständige Dateinamen müssen durch umschließende Semikolons kenntlich gemacht werden. Beispiele:

-;index.dat; Internet Explorer history/cache

-;history.dat; Mozilla/Firefox browser history

-;passwd; Existing users


Es gibt eine virtuelle Kategorie „Anderer/unbekannter Typ“, die nicht speziell in der Datei definiert wird und einfach alle Dateien umfaßt, die nicht zu einer der anderen, definierten Kategorien gehören.


You may store additional custom definitions of file types and categories in a separate file named "File Type Categories User.txt". This file will be read and maintained in addition to the standard definitions in "File Type Categories.txt" and has the same structure, but is not overwritten by updates of the software if contained in the installation directory, so that you can easily continue to use it even when overwriting your installation with a new version.


File types are ranked by importance/relevance and you may filter by this rank. For example, filtering out those file types ranked #0 will exclude font files, cursors, icons, themes, skins, clip arts, etc. Files with a low rank are of importance just in very specific investigations, for example source code, in which you would not be interested when looking for office documents or pictures for example, but definitely when hunting a virus programmer. Higher ranked file types are relevant in more cases. Generally the rank is useful in simple cases where you can expect to find what you are looking for in file types that are fairly well known. As another idea, you could make it a habit to only index files with higher ranks.


You also have the option to assign file types to a so-called group, a concept that is not identical to a file type category. Useful for example if your standard procedure is to let examiner A check out pictures and videos, examiner B documents, e-mail, and other Internet activity, and examiner C operating system files of various kinds, because of their specializations. You can give these groups meaningful names and filter for them, also using the Type Status dialog window. The groups are displayed in the Type filter.


All the definitions about file type ranks and file type groups are made in the "File Type Categories.txt" file. Suggestions for ranks and an example of a group of files that may deserve special attention are already predefined. Both ranks (from 0 to 9, where missing means 0) and groups (letters from A to Z) can be optionally specified following a tab at the end of a line, in any order, for example as "2P" or "DI3". So up to 10 rank levels are possible, but it is not necessary to fully utilize this range. Up to 26 groups are possible. You do not have to start alphabetically. The case of the letters is ignored. You may also define ranks and groups for an entire category, following a tab in a category line. File types that have no rank and category inherit both from the category to which they belong.


To give a group a more descriptive name than just a single letter, insert group definition lines at the end of the text file that start with a equal sign, e.g.

=P=Photos and videos for image group

=D=Docs, e-mails and Internet

=I=File types to index


You may store additional custom definitions of file types and categories in a separate file named "File Type Categories User.txt", which will be read and maintained in addition to the standard definitions in "File Type Categories.txt" and has the same structure and is not overwritten by updates of the software if contained in the installation directory, so that you can easily continue to use it even when overwriting your installation with a new version.