Crosses Property

Microsoft Graph Visual Basic

Crosses Property


Returns or sets the point on the specified axis where the other axis crosses. Read/write XlAxisCrosses.

XlAxisCrosses can be one of these XlAxisCrosses constants.
xlAxisCrossesCustom. The CrossesAt property specifies the axis crossing point.
xlAxisCrossesMinimum. The axis crosses at the minimum value.
xlAxisCrossesAutomatic. Microsoft Graph sets the axis crossing point.
xlAxisCrossesMaximum. The axis crosses at the maximum value.


expression   Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


This property isn't available for radar charts. For 3-D charts, this property indicates where the plane defined by the category axis crosses the value axis.

This property can be used for both category and value axes. On the category axis, xlMinimum sets the value axis to cross at the first category, and xlMaximum sets the value axis to cross at the last category.

Note that xlMinimum and xlMaximum can have different meanings, depending on the axis.


This example sets the value axis to cross the category axis at the maximum x value.

myChart.Axes(xlCategory).Crosses = xlMaximum