
TextPage represents the text of a page.

Method Short Description
TextPage.extractText() Extract the page’s plain text
TextPage.extractTEXT() synonym of previous
TextPage.extractHTML() Extract the page’s text in HTML format
TextPage.extractJSON() Extract the page’s text in JSON format
TextPage.extractXHTML() Extract the page’s text in XHTML format
TextPage.extractXML() Extract the page’s text in XML format
TextPage.search() Search for a string in the page

Class API

class TextPage

Extract the text from a TextPage object. Returns a string of the page’s complete text. The text is UTF-8 unicode and in the same sequence as the PDF creator specified it. If this looks awkward for your document, consider using a program that re-arranges the text according to a more familiar layout, e.g. PDF2TextJS.py in the examples directory. Or use another extraction method which also provides text position information like TextPage.extractHTML(), TextPage.extractXML(), or Page.extractTextList().

Return type:str

Extract all text and images in HTML format. This version contains complete formatting and positioning information on line level. Images will be included as base64 strings. You need a HTML package to interpret the output. Also see Controlling Quality of HTML Output.

Return type:str

Extract all text in JSON format. Provides same information detail as HTML (including images). You need a JSON module to interpret the output. The result will be nested Python dictionaries and lists. See below for the structure.

Return type:str

Extract all text in XHTML format. Text information detail is comparable with extractTEXT, but also contains images. This method makes no attempt to re-create the original visual appearance.

Return type:str

Extract all text in XML format. This contains complete formatting information about every single character on the page: font, size, line, paragraph, location, etc. Contains no images.

Return type:str
search(string, hit_max = 16)

Search for string.

  • string (str) – The string to search for.
  • hit_max (int) – Maximum number of expected hits (default 16).
Return type:



a list of Rect objects (without transformation), each surrounding a found string occurrence.


All of the above can be achieved by using the appropriate Page.getText() and Page.searchFor() methods. Also see further down and in the Page chapter for examples on how to create a valid file format by adding respective headers and trailers.

Structure of TextPage.extractJSON()

A text page in JSON format is a nested object consisting of dictionaries and lists.

Page Dictionary

Key Value
width page width in pixels (float)
height page height in pixels (float)
blocks list of blocks (list)

Block Dictionaries

Blocks come in two types with a different structure: image blocks and text blocks.

Image block:

Key Value
type 1 = image (int)
bbox block / image rectangle, formatted as list(fitz.Rect)
imgtype image type (int), see list below
width original image width (float)
height original image height (float)
image image content (base64 str), may be None

Image type values:

  • 0 (unknown): image type could not be determined and is provided as PNG if possible
  • 1 (raw): uncompressed samples
  • 2 (FAX)
  • 3 (flate)
  • 4 (LZW)
  • 5 (RLD)
  • 6 (BMP)
  • 7 (GIF)
  • 8 (JPEG)
  • 9 (JPX)
  • 10 (JXR)
  • 11 (PNG)
  • 12 (PNM)
  • 13 (TIFF)

Text block:

Key Value
type 0 = text (int)
bbox block rectangle, formatted as list(fitz.Rect)
lines list of text lines (list)

Line Dictionary

Key Value
bbox line rectangle, formatted as list(fitz.Rect)
wmode writing mode (int): 0 = horizontal, 1 = vertical
dir writing direction (tuple of floats): [x, y]
spans list of spans (list)

The entries of writing direction dir should be interpreted as follows:

  • x: positive = “left-right”, negative = “right-left”, 0 = neither
  • y: positive = “top-bottom”, negative = “bottom-top”, 0 = neither

The values indicate the “relative writing speed” in each direction, such that x2 + y2 = 1. In other words dir = [cos(beta), sin(beta)] where beta is the writing angle relative to the horizontal.

Span Dictionary

Spans contain the actual text. In contrast to MuPDF versions up to 1.11, a span no longer includes positioning information. Therefore, to reconstruct the text a line, span text pieces must be concatenated. A span now contains font information. A line contains more than one span only, when any changes of the font or its attributes occur.

Key Value
font name of font (str)
size font size (float)
flags font characteristics (int)
text text (str)

flags is a set of bools describing the font:

  • bit 0: superscripted text
  • bit 1: italic
  • bit 2: serifed
  • bit 3: monospaced
  • bit 4: bold

Full Document Output in JSON Format

Converting a document to JSON format requires a little programmer attention. Use the following schema to create a valid (i.e. de-serializable JSON) document:

>>> doc = fitz.open(...)    # maybe any document type!
>>> jsonfile = open("document.json", "w")
>>> pno = 0
>>> jsonfile.write(fitz.ConversionHeader("json", filename = doc.name))
>>> for page in doc:
        if pno > 0:
            jsonfile.write(",\n")    # comma needed between pages!
        pno += 1
>>> jsonfile.write(fitz.ConversionTrailer("json"))
>>> jsonfile.close()

The document level dictionary then looks like so:

Key Value
document specified filename (str)
pages list of pages (list)