Photon Unity Networking: C:/Dev/photon-sdk-dotnet-v4-1-1-16/Unity/PhotonNetworking/Assets/Photon Unity Networking/Plugins/PhotonNetwork Directory Reference

Photon Unity Networking

PhotonNetwork Directory Reference


directory  Views


file  CustomTypes.cs
 Sets up support for Unity-specific types. Can be a blueprint how to register your own Custom Types for sending.
file  Enums.cs
 Wraps up several of the commonly used enumerations.
file  Extensions.cs
file  FriendInfo.cs
file  GizmoType.cs
file  LoadbalancingPeer.cs
file  NetworkingPeer.cs
file  PhotonClasses.cs
 Wraps up smaller classes that don't need their own file.
file  PhotonHandler.cs
file  PhotonLagSimulationGui.cs
 Part of the Optional GUI.
file  PhotonNetwork.cs
file  PhotonPlayer.cs
file  PhotonStatsGui.cs
 Part of the Optional GUI.
file  PhotonStreamQueue.cs
file  PhotonView.cs
file  PingCloudRegions.cs
file  Room.cs
file  RoomInfo.cs
file  RPC.cs
 Reimplements a RPC Attribute, as it's no longer in all versions of the UnityEngine assembly.
file  ServerSettings.cs
 ScriptableObject defining a server setup. An instance is created as PhotonServerSettings.
file  SocketWebTcp.cs
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