Administrator of citations

Offline MediaWiki Code Editor

Administrator of Citations or References
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For the assistant to build code for citations see: Citations linked to the article
Assistant to administrate citations already stored in the database application.
One of the key policies of Wikipedia is that all article content has to be verifiable. This means that a reliable source must be able to support the material. All quotations and any material whose verifiability has been challenged or is likely to be challenged must include an inline citation of a source that directly supports the material. This also means that Wikipedia is not the place for original work, archival findings that have not been published, or evidence from any source that has not been published.
If you are adding new content, it is your responsibility to add source information along with it. Material provided without a source is more likely to be removed from an article. Sometimes such material will be tagged first with a [citation needed] template to give editors time to find and add sources before it is removed, but sometimes editors will simply remove it because they question its veracity.

The Administrator of citations is not an space to build nor modify citations wikicode. You can build citations invoking the assistant of citations directly from the Edit Window. Nevertheless the Administrator of citations offers the opportunity to:

1.    Filter data to show selectively those citations linked to an article.
2.    Move citations from an article to another.
3.    Eliminate citations

How to use the same citations in different articles?

Explore all the citations stored in the application.If the editor needs to use a same citation in different articles, here are two ways to perform this operation:

1.    Moving the citation towards the destination article; or
2.    Making a copy of the citation, assigning a different identifier to the copy .

How to move a citation from an article to another?   

To move a citation from an article to another, just select the row containing the name of the citation in the form and click on the right cell containing the name of the article. Doing this you will see a small button at the rightmost part of the cell. This button allows to unfold a list with the names of all articles stored. Select destination article and click on its name. The name switch indicates that the citation was successfully moved.

You can also move citations from one article to another in the assistant of citations, a form where you can administrate those citations linked to the article being edited.

How to link a copy of a citation towards another article?

This action can also be performed in the assistant of citations, invoked from the Edit Window.

! Citations not linked to any article

Before eliminating from the application all obsolete articles, an advisable practice is to preserve those citations which might be reusable in subsequent articles. To have a repository for those reusable citations, it was created an special record known as '! Citations not linked to any article.' This special record is protected by the application to avoid accidental elimination from the list of articles, provided it is not an article. Move to this repository all the citations which you are interested in reuse. And after doing this you can surely eliminate the articles from which the citations were created.