Example: Knob Format

Measurement Studio User Interface

Example: Knob Format

Demonstrates CWKnob styles.


This example demonstrates how highly configurable the CWKnob is. Five different knobs are shown on the front panel with four different looks.

The controls in the top half of the panel entirely correspond to the dial in the upper half. The axis control sets the maximum and minimum to the values in the CWNumEdit controls. You can add and remove pointers on the dial with the labeled buttons. The Value Changed area also displays information about the dial. The Index shows the number of the pointer that you have selected, and Value shows the number that the pointer is pointing to. The bottom half of the interface shows four more knobs. The dial on the right simply shows that you can make these knobs look like dials. You can move the pointer around the dial, but it does not appear to change anything else. The quarter-circle knob also does not alter anything, but it shows that a knob in that form is available. The two meters on the left show how the knob can also be a meter. The top meter does not alter anything, though you can interact with it by moving the pointer. The bottom meter moves continuously, and the pointer color even changes to red when it enters the yellow zones.

Example Location

Samples\UI\Knob\Knob Format