CWPointerStyles Enumeration
CWPointerStyles are the constants that specify how a pointer appears graphically.
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwPointer3D–The pointer appears as a three-dimensional needle. This style is available only on the CWKnob control.
- cwPointerCustom–A custom image represents the pointer. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.
- cwPointerLeftBottomArrow–The pointer appears as an arrow facing left or to the bottom, depending on whether the CWSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.
- cwPointerNone–No pointer image is used.
- cwPointerNormal–On a CWKnob control, the pointer appears as a thin line. On a CWSlide control, the pointer appears as a slider "thumb."
- cwPointerRightTopArrow–The pointer appears as an arrow facing right or to the top, depending on whether the CWSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.