CWPointerStyles Enumeration

Measurement Studio User Interface

CWPointerStyles Enumeration

CWPointerStyles are the constants that specify how a pointer appears graphically.

You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwPointer3D–The pointer appears as a three-dimensional needle. This style is available only on the CWKnob control.
  • cwPointerCustom–A custom image represents the pointer. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.
  • cwPointerLeftBottomArrow–The pointer appears as an arrow facing left or to the bottom, depending on whether the CWSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.
  • cwPointerNone–No pointer image is used.
  • cwPointerNormal–On a CWKnob control, the pointer appears as a thin line. On a CWSlide control, the pointer appears as a slider "thumb."
  • cwPointerRightTopArrow–The pointer appears as an arrow facing right or to the top, depending on whether the CWSlide is vertical or horizontal. This style is available only on the CWSlide control.

See Also
