CWCursorSnapModes Enumeration
CWCursorSnapModes are the constants for the CWCursor.SnapMode and the CWAnnotation.SnapMode properties.
You can use the following constants with this data type:
- cwCSnapAnchoredToPoint–Snaps the cursor or annotation to a specified point on a specific plot. The cursor or annotation cannot be moved.
- cwCSnapFixed–Sets the cursor or annotation position independent of any plot. The cursor or annotation cannot be moved.
- cwCSnapFloating–Sets the cursor or annotation independent of any plot. You can move the cursor or annotation anywhere in the graph area.
- cwCSnapNearestPoint–Snaps the cursor or annotation to the nearest point on any plot. You can move the cursor or annotation along any plot.
- cwCSnapNearestYForFixedX–For a fixed X location, the cursor's Y value is the Y value of the nearest point on the specified plot. For an annotation cwCSnapNearestYForFixedX is equivalent to cwCSnapPointsOnPlot. The cursor or annotation can be moved only along this plot.
- cwCSnapPointsOnPlot–Snaps the cursor or annotation to points on a specified plot. The cursor or annotation can be moved only along this plot.