CWArrowHeadStyles Enumeration

Measurement Studio User Interface

CWArrowHeadStyles Enumeration

CWArrowHeadStyles are the constants for the CWArrow.HeadStyle and CWArrow.TailStyle properties.

You can use the following constants with this data type:

  • cwArrowHeadDiamond–Specifies a diamond-shaped arrowhead.
  • cwArrowHeadLine–Specifies an arrowhead with thin lines.
  • cwArrowHeadNone–Specifies no arrowhead.
  • cwArrowHeadRound–Specifies a round arrowhead.
  • cwArrowHeadSolid–Specifies a solid arrowhead.
  • cwArrowHeadStealth–Specifies a stylized arrowhead.

See Also

