IMAQ Serial Read Bytes VI


IMAQ Serial Read Bytes VI

Installed With: NI Vision Acquisition Software

Reads in an expected number of bytes from the serial port on image acquisition devices that support serial communication.

This VI fills the buffer with characters received from the serial port until either the buffer is full or the timeout period has elapsed. When you use this VI, the serial termination string attribute is ignored.

IMAQ Serial Read Bytes


IMAQ Session In identifies the device.


Bytes to Read is the number of bytes to read from the serial port.


Timeout is the time, in milliseconds, to wait for the read to finish.


error in (no error) describes error conditions that occur before this VI or function runs. The default is no error. If an error occurred before this VI or function runs, the VI or function passes the error in value to error out. This VI or function runs normally only if no error occurred before this VI or function runs. If an error occurs while this VI or function runs, it runs normally and sets its own error status in error out. Use the Simple Error Handler or General Error Handler VIs to display the description of the error code. Use error in and error out to check errors and to specify execution order by wiring error out from one node to error in of the next node.


status is TRUE (X) if an error occurred before this VI or function ran or FALSE (checkmark) to indicate a warning or that no error occurred before this VI or function ran. The default is FALSE.


code code is the number identifying an error or warning. If status is TRUE, code is a non-zero error code. If status is FALSE, code can be zero or a warning code. Use the error handler VIs to look up the meaning of this code and to display the corresponding error message.


source describes the origin of the error or warning and is, in most cases, the name of the VI or function that produced the error or warning. The default is an empty string.


IMAQ Session Out has the same value as IMAQ Session In.


Byte Array returns an array of bytes read from the serial port.


Bytes Read is the number of bytes stored in Byte Array.


error out contains error information. If error in indicates that an error occurred before this VI or function ran, error out contains the same error information. Otherwise, it describes the error status that this VI or function produces. Right-click the error out indicator on the front panel and select Explain Error from the shortcut menu for more information about the error.


status is TRUE (X) if an error occurred or FALSE (checkmark) to indicate a warning or that no error occurred.


code is the error or warning code. If status is TRUE, code is a nonzero error code. If status is FALSE, code is 0 or a warning code.


source describes the origin of the error or warning and is, in most cases, the name of the VI or function that produced the error or warning. The default is an empty string.