Color Image Representation
The image representation describes the type of image data that will be returned after a color acquisition. Image Representation is the constant name of the image representation. Image Type specifies the image type of the image buffer returned by the image acquisition VI after the color acquisition. Description describes the image representation.
Image Representation | Image Type | Description |
Blue 8-bit (Blue8) | 8-bit | The blue plane encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. |
Green 8-bit (Green8) | 8-bit | The green plane encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. |
HSL 32-bit (HSL32) | HSL | A color image encoded in 32 bits: 8 bits unused, and 8 bits for the Hue, Saturation, and Luminance planes. |
Hue 8-bit (Hue8) | 8-bit | The hue information encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. The hue is calculated as
H = ATN2(Y, X)
where Y = (Green – Blue) / (square root of 2) and X = (2 × Red – Green – Blue) / (square root of 6) |
Intensity 8-bit (Int8) | 8-bit | The intensity information encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. The intensity is calculated as I = (Red + Green + Blue) / 3 |
Luminance 8-bit (Lum8) | 8-bit | The luminance information encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. The luminance is calculated as Y = 0.299 × Red + 0.587 × Green + 0.114 × Blue |
Red 8-bit (Red8) | 8-bit | The red plane encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. |
RGB 32-bit (RGB32) | RGB | A color image encoded in 32 bits—8 bits for the alpha channel, which is not used, and 8 bits each for the Red, Green, and Blue planes. |
Saturation 8-bit (Sat8) | 8-bit | The saturation information encoded in 8 bits extracted from the RGB image. The saturation is calculated on the NI PCI/PXI-1411 as: |