VolumeActions - MakeGap
Set the position of the beginning of the next zone. This command is commonly
used to create a gap between zones, but the command can also be used to position a
zone anywhere on disk.
- The NUMBER specifies the beginning of the next zone, an absolute position on
the disk. Usually it will be the ZoneBegin plus a number of bytes, but you can
specify a different formula.
- The command will do nothing if the NUMBER is negative. It is an absolute
position on disk, and a negative number would be before the beginning of the
- The program will automatically vacate the gap between the current end of the
zone and the NUMBER. It will not vacate if the DoNotVacate option is specified,
or if the NUMBER is lower than current beginning of the zone (negative gap).
- If all the next zones are sorted zones (using one of the SortBy fileactions)
then DoNotVacate can be used, it will save some unnecessary data movements.
- The
FastFill and
fileactions will only move files down, never up, so files that are in a
DoNotVacate gap will be left in the gap.
- The pre-defined ZoneEnd and ZoneSize numbers cannot be used in calculations.
MakeGap is outside a FileSelect, no files are selected, so ZoneSize is always
zero and ZoneEnd is always equal to ZoneBegin.
MakeGap(NUMBER [, DoNotVacate]) |
# Make a gap of 1% of the free size of the volume.
MakeGap(ZoneBegin + VolumeFree * 0.01)
# Same, but do not vacate.
MakeGap(ZoneBegin + VolumeFree * 0.01 , DoNotVacate)
# Start next zone at 30% into the data on the volume.
MakeGap(VolumeUsed * 0.3)
# Place next zone at the end of the disk, with some extra maneuvering space.
MakeGap(MaxNextZoneBegin - VolumeFree * 0.01) |
See also: