

Settings - AppendLogfile

Append a text to a logfile (see  *  WriteLogfile to replace the text in the logfile). The first STRING is the name of the logfile, for example "C:\Program Files\MyDefrag\MyDefrag.log". The second STRING is the text to be appended to the logfile.
  • See the  *  Variables for a list of variables that can be used in the text.
  • The standard MyDefrag scripts create a logfile in the MyDefrag installation folder, default is "C:\Program Files\MyDefrag v4.3.1\MyDefrag.log".
    Note: Windows 7 is configured by default to deny regular users write-access to the "C:\Program Files" folder, so MyDefrag cannot create a logfile there.


AppendLogfile(STRING , STRING)


# Append a line to a comma-separated logfile.

See also:

 *  Variables
 *  WriteLogfile
 *  Settings