See also
See also
MyDefrag forum
- I have set up a forum for MyDefrag, a place where you can ask
questions, give feedback about features you would like, share your
scripts and experiences, and other things about MyDefrag.
- MyFragmenter is a small commandline tool included with MyDefrag to fragment
existing files, to generate new fragmented files with random data, or to list
fragmentation information about files. It is useful only for people who are
testing defragmentation programs.
MyDefrag stuff from other people
Dirk Paehl MyDefrag GUI wrapper
- A small GUI program for quick selecting a script and the disks to run it for.
Markus Hörl MyDefrag GUI wrapper
- A small GUI program for quick selecting a script and the disks to run it for.
Neobook MyDefrag GUI wrapper
- A small GUI program for quick selecting a script and the disks to run it for.
- A small GUI program to select 1 or more files and highlight them in the MyDefrag diskmap.
MyDefrag script syntax highlighting generator
- Plugin for several editors to colorize MyDefrag ".MyD" scripts.
MyDefrag Tray Tools
- A little addon that shows an icon in the systray and adds a couple of runtime
options to choose from.
MyDefrag Menu Tools
- A small Windows Explorer plugin to easily select a file or a folder,
and have MyDefrag highlight them on the diskmap. Can aso be used from the
Other links
- Wikipedia page about defragmentation.
by Microsoft TechNet (formerly Sysinternals)
- Paging files and registry hives cannot be defragmented on a running
system. This sweet little utility will automatically defragment those files when
the system is booting.
The counterpart of this utility is "Contig", a small defragger for use on
a running system, but my defragger is far superior.
HD Tune
- Measure your harddisk and discover how much faster it is at the beginning than at
the end. Can also monitor the temperature of your harddisk and scan for surface errors.
Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools
- A free collection of tools from Microsoft. Amongst other things it contains
a "sleep.exe" utility that could be used to make a little .bat file to delay-start
MyDefrag when booting the computer.
by Microsoft TechNet (formerly Sysinternals)
- Handy utility for network administrators that can be used on a central computer
to upload to and run MyDefrag on remote computers.
by Microsoft TechNet (formerly Sysinternals)
- A small free utility that (amongst other things) can be used to wipe free space
on disk by writing zero's. This is useful in combination with optimization when making
compressed disk images. SDelete can be called from a MyDefrag script with the
RunProgram action.
by Microsoft TechNet (formerly Sysinternals)
- Handy utility to discover all the things that are started when windows is
Gnome Partition Editor (GParted)
- For creating, deleting, resizing, moving, checking and copying partitions, and the
file systems on them. This is useful for creating space for new operating systems (works
with Vista system and data partitions), reorganizing disk usage, copying data residing on
hard disks and mirroring one partition with another (disk imaging).
Hard disk drive
Minimizing hard disk drive failure and data loss
- Some links to technical background information about harddisks.