Tips and tricks
Tips and tricks
- Many users start looking for defragmentation/optimization
programs when their computer becomes slow. The main reason for a slow computer is
a full harddisk. A full harddisk is slow because the distance between files is
greater than on a fresh practically empty harddisk. Deleting half the data on a
full disk will just about double the speed. The more free diskspace, the faster
your computer will be.
- Buy a second harddisk (for example an USB harddisk) and move little used stuff
from your primary harddisk to that secondary harddisk. The second disk can also
be used for backing up the primary disk.
- The first partition on a harddisk (usually the C: partition) is significantly
faster than other partitions. Place your important programs on this first partition
and try to use other partitions only for data that is used less often (such as music,
movies, archives, backups, logfiles). From a speed perspective it is best to have only
a single partition.
- When buying a new computer, buy the biggest harddisk you can afford. Investing
in a bigger harddisk gives more speed-per-dollar than investing in a faster CPU or
investing in more memory. The same amount of data on a bigger harddisk is faster
because the data takes up less physical space, so the harddisk heads have to travel
less distance.
- Cleanup old junk from your harddisk before running MyDefrag. You can clean Windows
files with for example "Start -> Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup",
or with something like the freeware
CCleaner program.
- Reboot before running MyDefrag. This will release files that are in use,
so they can be defragmented and optimized.
- Boot into Windows safe mode by pressing F8 when booting, and then run MyDefrag.
It will be slower because the Windows disk cache is off in safe mode, but MyDefrag
will be able to process (a few) more files.
- Stop your real time virus scanner before running MyDefrag. Some virus
scanners check all disk activity, making defragmentation and optimization
very slow.
- Move the swap file to another volume, reboot, defragment, and move the
swap file back.
If you don't have a second volume then temporarily make the swap file small,
for example 100Mb.
- Package unused files with a packager such as
The packagefile not only takes less harddisk space, but will also
defragment and optimize much faster than the individual files.
Note: This does not apply to Windows NTFS compression, which will actually
make defragmentation and optimization slower.
- If you have 2 physical harddisks of the same speed, then place the
pagefile on the first partition of the second harddisk.