

Settings - RunScript

Run another script from inside this script. The script must be a full script, that is, it cannot be a partial script and for example only contain a fileboolean. See the  *  Macros to include partial scripts.
  • The STRING is the filename of the script.
  • The interpreter will look for the STRING in the following directories. If not found then it will try again with ".MyD" appended, and then with "Scripts\" prepended.
    • As a full path.
    • In the current folder.
    • In the same directory as the main script.
    • In the same directory as the executable (MyDefrag.exe, MyDefragScreenSaver.exe).
    • In the installation directory (default is "c:\Program Files\MyDefrag v4.3.1\").
    • In the "!ProgramFiles!\MyDefrag v4.3.1" directory.
    • In the "!ProgramW6432!\MyDefrag v4.3.1" directory.
    • In the "!ProgramFiles(x86)!\MyDefrag v4.3.1" directory.
    • In the PATH environment (this usually includes the current directory).
    • In the "!SystemRoot!" directory.
  • The extension ".MyD" is optional and not required unless the script has a different extension such as "*.txt".
  • The script runs in the same window and the same process as the current script.




# Run a script called "myscript".
RunScript("C:\Program Files\MyDefrag v4.3.1\Scripts\MyScript.MyD")

# This works if the script is in one of the standard directories and is called ".MyD":

See also:

 *  Macros
 *  RunProgram
 *  Settings