
How to Create / Modify the model?

NOTE: Most of described operations are performed in the Profile View! Only vertex motion can be additionally used in 3D View.

Conventions in following description:


  • left mouse button click–> click with left mouse button 
  • left mouse button down –> left mouse button is down
  • right mouse button click–> click with right mouse button
  • right mouse button down –> right mouse button is down
  • mouse double click -> double click with left mouse button
  • mouse move -> mouse is moving
  • CTRL – Ctrl button on keyboard is down
  • SHIFT – Shift button on keyboard is down

Use Model toolbar buttons or keyboard arrows to move across the observation area and move to the profile where you would like to create a body .

Create new body.
To create a new body use right mouse button click at position in Profile View where you want to insert a body. You MUST click inside the "model area", what is an area inbetween relief and bottom boundary of the model vertical range, when the cursor changes to . Right mouse button click opens floating menu, where choose Insert New Body command. Right mouse button click on the newly created body opens the floatin menu, where choose Properties . In the Body Properties property page, modify the physical properties, drawing parameters and description of the body. The "body" is created at given position. The way how the body will be further extended is given by Body Creation Properties. To extend the body to the sides follow Body extending to the side below.

Creating a new separated part of an existing body. 
Use the same steps as described in the Create new body section, but choose Insert Existing Body from floating menu. In Insert Existing Body dialog select the body you want to create. The initial body width is by default 1/10 of the model vertical range. In a case that you may want to change the body properties of the separate part of some body in the future, better create new body.

Moving body vertices.
Cursor changes to  if the vertex is movable in vertical direction. Catch the vertext with left mouse button click . Use left mouse button down + move mouse in vertical direction along the grid lines. The limits where the vertex can move are defined by the geometry of the model. Body vertex can not move inside to another body or cross another vertex of the same body. Also cannot move above the relief or below the model range minimum. If you would like to extent the body deeper then change vertical model range minimum. Use from menu Model \ Change Vertical Range command, though. If real-time computation mode in on, the modeled field is gonna be updated.

Body extending to the side.
Body can be extended to the sides after the cursor changes to   when moving with mouse cursor over the vertical body outer or inner edge. Click left mouse button and extend the body to the side using left mouse button down + move mouse. If you are moving towards outside from the body new parts are created. Moving towards inside the body will remove the last edge. One MUST point with the cursor over next (previous) vertical line in order to create new part of the body. Rules how new part of a body is created is defined in menu Body \ Creation Properties. In the case of moving towards the edge of separate part of the same body, the two parts will be merged. One cannot enter to another body. In that case operation will be stopped. If real-time computation mode in on, the modeled field is gonna be updated.

Modifying shape of the body.
Simply left mouse button click on the body vertex and use left mouse button down + mouse move and modify the shape. You can modify vertical vertex position moving along the vertical grid line. To modify next vertex keep the mouse capture and move to the next grid line. This is something like imitation of the boundary drawing. If two bodies have common boundary, it is modified automatically. Upper and lower boundary of a body MUST be modified separately. If real-time computation mode in on, the modeled field is gonna be updated.

Connect vertices.
In most cases the two neighboring bodies have common boundary. To connect vertices of two neighbouring bodies in vertical direction together drive the body vertex towards the body which is to be connected using left mouse button down + mouse move. If the cursor passes over neighbouring body, the vertices are joined together. You can also apply above rules to join body to relief. In cases when two vertices are close to each other (in screen coordinates) they will be connected automatically after clicking on one of the vertices. There is no limitation for how many bodies could be connected ogether. If real-time computation mode in on, the modeled field is gonna be updated.

Disconnect vertices.
 To disconnect common vertex of two or more bodies use CTRL + left mouse button down + mouse move. Continue to move mouse (like Modifying shape of a body) to disconnect another vertices. The vertices of two bodies can be disconnected only in one direction, depending on the internal storage order of the bodies.

Connect end of a body into one vertex.
Use left mouse button down + mouse move and connect the vertices together.

Move body in vertical direction.
Use SHIFT + left mouse button down + mouse move to move the  body in vertical direction. Cursor MUST be of 'over body'    type. To controll body motion manually, use fom floating body menu command Move Body.

Complex model.
In a complex model common vertical boubaries are NOT supported! You always MUST connect the termination of a body from each side on a given profile into one common vertex!