Computing properties dialog box.
- If Spherical computing is checked, the whole computation is done on spherical Earth. It needs additional transformations, which slow down computation speed.
- Extend edges to avoid boundary effects. The model continues further in the same manner as it is defined on the edge profile. Give the distance of extension in m.
- Real-time Computation can be performed in three modes.
- None: real-time computation is not active. The field must be recomputed manually. This mode is efficient in initial stages of model creation. Model creation is not slowed down with re-computing.
- Real-time: field update is performed simultaneously as the mouse is moving. All active grids are updated. All views are updated. Can be slow for large models, or slow computers. Doesn't work for whole body motion! See Efficient computing for details, how to achieve the best computation efficiency.
- After Mouse Click: the fields are updated after mouse button is released. All active grids are updated. All views are updated. See Efficient computing for details, how to achieve the best computation efficiency. Doesn't work for whole body motion!
- Window: set the area, which is recomputed. Only grid points within the computing window are recomputed. Attention! You need to re-compute the whole model after the window change.
- Units: Choose units you want to use.
- Reference density: If you want to use absolute density for bodies (2700 kg/m3) set the reference density - recommended. The density is used for computation is then: DensComputation = DensityBody - RefererenceDensity. If reference density is 0.0 then is ignored, you can use relative densities. Reference density can be also linearly increasing. Then set the density gradient and origin. If all the components of density gradient vector are 0.0, linearly increasing density is ignored. The reference density is applied to the bodies itself (not to the whole volume).
- Gradients tensor: Set either constant flight elevation or height over relief where the field is to be computed.
- Sensor over relief: set the sensor height over relief for magnetic field computation.
- Set Inducing Field for magnetic field computation.
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