Body Properties: Gravity
Set the physical properties used for the gravitational field computation.
Density: specify the density of a body - robody in [kg·m-3]. Gravitational field is computed using the reference density roref , if the reference density is nonzero. The density used for computation is: ro = robody-roref .
Gradient: specify the density gradient components of a body in kg·m-4. Take into account, that right-handed coordinate system with positive z-axis pointing upward is used (for increasing density with the depth z component of the gradient is negative). The z density gradient component can be computed as follows: gz = (roH0-roH)/(h0-h), where roH0, roH is the density at depth h0, h respectively.
Origin: Specify an origin for the density gradient computation. In the origin the density equals to the density of a body. The density in point P is computed as follows: roP = robody+ r·g, where g is the density gradient and r is the radius vector from point P to the gradient origin.