Model Properties
- Minimum: Read only. Minimum observation grid coordinates.
- Maximum: Read only. Maximum observation grid coordinates.
- Increment: Read only. Observation grid cell size.
- Top: Model vertical range.
- Bottom: Model vertical range.
Creation Properties - Creation group defines how a new part of a body will be created.
Join group defines how new part of the body will
interacts with its
- None: means that there will be no interaction with neighboring bodies. Except of the system will not allow body intersections.
- Top: the body will be connected to the closest upper body or relief (if there is no body present).
- Bottom: the body is going to be connected to the closest underlying body, or bottom model boundary.
- Const top: the top boundary has constant depth value if this is not in contradiction with another body. Set the depth value.
- Const bottom: the bottom boundary has constant depth value if this is not in contradiction with another body. Set the depth value.
- Body creation ratio: defines how new part of a body is created. If the value is smaller then 1.0 the body is shrinking. NewThickness = BodyCrationRatio*OldThickness. New body edge is centered over the mouse position.
Motion group defines how the body is moving.
- Move on current profile: the body is movable only on current profile.
- Move top boundary: top boundary is movable.
- Move bottom boundary: only bottom boundary is movable.
- Fix relief: the top-most body is fixed to the relief.
- Fix bottom: the bottom-most body is fixed to the bottom.
- Extend boundaries to the sides to avoid boundary effects. If not checked extension is not assumed.
- North: specify extension length. Must be positive value.
- South: specify extension length. Must be positive value.
- East: specify extension length. Must be positive value.
- West: specify extension length. Must be positive value.
Model Description
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