
Smart Card Library

Smart Card Library

  1. Modified the PPS functionality as per ISO 7816 standard.
  2. Fixed BWT (Block Wait Time) and WT (Wait Time) calculation issues.
  3. Removed recursive function calls and modified the code to make it well structured and organized.
  4. Modified "SCdrv_EnableDelayTimerIntr" and "SCdrv_SetDelayTimerCnt" macros to configure 16 bit timers (this macro is used to provide delays).
  5. “WaitMicroSec()" & "WaitMilliSec()" macros are removed from sc_config.h file.
  6. Moved timer interrupts (used by smart card stack) to ISO 7816 hardware driver files.
  7. Added "TIMER1_SINGLE_COUNT_MICRO_SECONDS" and "TIMER0_SINGLE_COUNT_MICRO_SECONDS" macros in sc_config.h file.
  8. WaitMicroSec() and WaitMilliSec() delay functions have been rewritten in the ISO 7816 driver files to provide accurate delays.
  9. The following PPS response variables have been added as part of the global memory.

PPS Response Bytes from smart card 
Length of PPS Response 


The prototype definition of function “SC_DoPPS( )” has been changed to “SC_DoPPS( BYTE *ppsPtr )”. The input parameter for “SC_DoPPS” function is PPS request string. This feature enables the user to send the desired PPS request to the card.

Microchip Smart Card Library 1.02.8 - [July 18, 2012]
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