Smart Card ISO-7816 Library
8,16 & 32 bit PIC Microcontrollers
The Smart Card library for PIC microcontrollers support ISO 7816-3 and ISO 7816-4 standard protocols. It allows the PIC microcontroller to communicate with smart cards compatible with these protocols. The library supports both T=0 and T=1 smart card protocols.
The library comprises of PIC18/PIC24/dsPIC33F/PIC32 UART driver and T0/T1 protocol source code meeting ISO 7816-3 standard. An example high level demo application code is also provided to help the user port the smart card library to different hardware boards and different microcontrollers of PIC family.
This document assumes that the reader is familiar with ISO 7816-3 standards and T=0/T=1 protocols.