
MDD File System Interface Library

MDDFS Interface Library Help

The following functions are available for the user application.

Function to initialize the device. 
Opens a file with ascii input 'fileName' on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC MCU's. 
Opens a file on PIC18 Microcontrollers where 'fileName' ROM string is given in Ascii format. 
Opens a file with UTF16 input 'fileName' on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC MCU's. 
Renames the Ascii name of the file or directory on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices 
Renames the file with the ascii ROM string(PIC18) 
Renames the name of the file or directory to the UTF16 input fileName on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices 
Deletes the file on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC device.The 'fileName' is in ascii format. 
Deletes the file on PIC18 device 
Deletes the file on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC device.The 'fileName' is in UTF16 format. 
Initial search function for the input Ascii fileName on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices. 
Find a file named with a ROM string on PIC18 
Initial search function for the 'fileName' in UTF16 format on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices. 
Sequential search function 
Write data to a file 
Read data from a file 
Change the current position in a file 
Determine the current location in a file 
Update file information and free FSFILE objects 
Indicate whether the current file position is at the end 
Return an error code for the last function call 
Change the attributes of a file 
Function to write formatted strings to a file 
Set the current position in a file to the beginning 
Formats a device 
Creates a master boot record 
Allows user to get the disk properties (size of disk, free space, etc) 
Get the current working directory path in Ascii format 
Get the current working directory path in UTF16 format 
Creates a directory as per the ascii input path (PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC) 
Creates a directory as per the path mentioned in the input string on PIC18 devices. 
Creates a directory as per the UTF16 input path (PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC) 
Changes the current working directory to the ascii input path(PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC) 
Changes the CWD to the input path on PIC18 
Change the current working directory as per the path specified in UTF16 format (PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC) 
Deletes the directory as per the ascii input path (PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC). 
Deletes the directory as per the ascii input path (PIC18). 
Deletes the directory as per the UTF16 input path (PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC). 
A data type indicating the maximum integer size in an architecture 
Microchip MDD File System Interface 1.4.2 - [Oct 15, 2012]
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