MDD File System Interface Library

MDDFS Interface Library Help

The file system performs file operations on one of the physical interface device like SD card ,CF cards or USB. The APIs of file manipulation layer,SD card layer & CF cards layer is described in this section. The file system operations on USB as host is provided in AN1145: Using a USB Flash Drive with an Embedded Host page.

The File Manipulation Layer contains functions for manipulating files or functions to access the device that are common across all physical layers. 
The SD-SPI physical layer offers the ability to interface SD cards using the SPI protocol. 
The CF physical layer files offer two methods to interface the CF cards.
  • The manual interface method bit-bangs the parallel interface protocol to the CF cards.
  • The CF-PMP files interface the cards using the parallel master port on 16-bit PIC devices.
Microchip MDD File System Interface 1.4.2 - [Oct 15, 2012]
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