- Below is an example on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices which shows how to create a file, write a file, read a file, close a file...etc...
FSFILE * pointer; char sendBuffer[] = "This is test string 1"; char receiveBuffer[50]; // Wait in while loop until the physical media device like SD card, CF card or // USB memory device is detected in the software... while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); // Initialize the file system library & the physical media device while (!FSInit()); // Create a file pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write 21 1-byte objects from sendBuffer into the file if (FSfwrite (sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Open file 1 in read mode pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "r"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Renames the file FILE1.TXT to Microchip File 2.TXT if (FSrename ("Microchip File 2.TXT", pointer)) while(1); // Read one four-byte object if (FSfread (receiveBuffer, 4, 1, pointer) != 1) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1);
- Below is an example on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices which shows how to create a directory, change the current working directory, delete the directory...etc...
// Wait in while loop until the physical media device like SD card, CF card or // USB memory device is detected in the software... while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); // Initialize the file system library & the physical media device while (!FSInit()); // Create a small directory tree // Beginning the path string with a '.' will create the directory tree in the // current directory. if (FSmkdir (".\\Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3")) while(1); // Change to current working directory to 'Directory 3' if (FSchdir ("Mchp Directory 1\\Dir2\\Directory 3")) while(1); // Create another tree in 'Directory 3' if (FSmkdir ("Directory 4\\Directory 5\\Directory 6")) while(1); // This will delete Directory 5 and all three of its sub-directories if (FSrmdir ("Directory 4\\Directory 5", TRUE)) while(1); // Change directory to the root dir if (FSchdir ("\\")) while(1);
- Below is an example on PIC24/PIC32/dsPIC devices which shows how to create files,search files & delete specific file
FSFILE * pointer; char sendBuffer[] = "This is test string 1"; unsigned char attributes; unsigned char size = 0, i; // Wait in while loop until the physical media device like SD card, CF card or // USB memory device is detected in the software... while (!MDD_MediaDetect()); // Initialize the file system library & the physical media device while (!FSInit()); // Create a file FILE1.TXT pointer = FSfopen ("FILE1.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write 21 1-byte objects from sendBuffer into the file if (FSfwrite (sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Create a file FILE2.TXT pointer = FSfopen ("FILE2.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write 21 1-byte objects from sendBuffer into the file if (FSfwrite (sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Create a file FILE3.TXT pointer = FSfopen ("FILE3.TXT", "w"); if (pointer == NULL) while(1); // Write 21 1-byte objects from sendBuffer into the file if (FSfwrite (sendBuffer, 1, 21, pointer) != 21) while(1); // Close the file if (FSfclose (pointer)) while(1); // Set attributes attributes = ATTR_ARCHIVE | ATTR_READ_ONLY | ATTR_HIDDEN; // Functions "FindFirst" & "FindNext" can be used to find files // and directories with required attributes in the current working directory. // Find the first .TXT file with any (or none) of those attributes that // has a name beginning with the letters "FILE" in your current working // directory if (FindFirst ("FILE*.TXT", attributes, &rec)) while(1); // Keep finding files until we get FILE2.TXT while(rec.filename[4] != '2') { if (FindNext (&rec)) while(1); } // Delete FILE2.TXT if (FSremove (rec.filename)) while(1);
- For UTF16 file names 'wFSfopen','wFSrename', 'wFSmkdir', wFSchdir','wFSrmdir'...etc...has to be used instead of 'FSfopen','FSrename', 'FSmkdir', FSchdir','FSrmdir'...
- The LFN support can be enabled by defining the "SUPPORT_LFN" macro in 'FSconfig.h' file. If "SUPPORT_LFN" macro is not defined, then only 8.3 format filename is supported.
- For further clarifications, please refer "MDD File System-SD Card" demo source code. By default it is installed on "C:\Microchip Solutions" folder.