FSGetDiskProperties Function

MDD File System Interface Library

MDDFS Interface Library Help
FSGetDiskProperties Function
void FSGetDiskProperties(
    FS_DISK_PROPERTIES* properties

This function returns the information about the mounted drive. The results member of the properties object passed into the function is populated with the information about the drive. 

Before starting a new request, the new_request member of the properties input parameter should be set to TRUE. This will initiate a new search request. 

This function will return before the search is complete with partial results. All of the results except the free_clusters will be correct after the first call. The free_clusters will contain the number of free clusters found up until that point, thus the free_clusters result will continue to grow until the entire drive is searched. If an application only needs to know that a certain number of bytes is available and doesn't need to know the total free size, then this function can be called until the required free size is verified. To continue a search, pass a pointer to the same FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object that was passed in to create the search. 

A new search request sould be made once this function has returned a value other than FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING. Continuing a completed search can result in undefined behavior or results. 

Typical Usage:

FS_DISK_PROPERTIES disk_properties;

disk_properties.new_request = TRUE;

} while (disk_properties.properties_status == FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING);


results.disk_format - contains the format of the drive. Valid results are FAT12(1), FAT16(2), or FAT32(3). 

results.sector_size - the sector size of the mounted drive. Valid values are 512, 1024, 2048, and 4096. 

results.sectors_per_cluster - the number sectors per cluster. 

results.total_clusters - the number of total clusters on the drive. This can be used to calculate the total disk size (total_clusters * sectors_per_cluster * sector_size = total size of drive in bytes) 

results.free_clusters - the number of free (unallocated) clusters on the drive. This can be used to calculate the total free disk size (free_clusters * sectors_per_cluster * sector_size = total size of drive in bytes)


1) ALLOW_GET_DISK_PROPERTIES must be defined in FSconfig.h 2) a FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object must be created before the function is called 3) the new_request member of the FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object must be set before calling the function for the first time. This will start a new search. 4) this function should not be called while there is a file open. Close all files before calling this function.

a pointer to a FS_DISK_PROPERTIES object where the results should be stored. 
Return Values
Return Values 
following possible values 
operation completed without error. Results are in the properties object passed into the function. 
there is no mounted disk. Results in properties object is not valid 
there was a failure trying to read a cluster from the drive. The results in the properties object is a partial result up until the point of the failure. 
the search for free sectors is still in process. Continue calling this function with the same properties pointer until either the function completes or until the partial results meets the application needs. The properties object contains the partial results of the search and can be used by the application. 
Side Effects

Can cause errors if called when files are open. Close all files before calling this function. 

Calling this function without setting the new_request member on the first call can result in undefined behavior and results. 

Calling this function after a result is returned other than FS_GET_PROPERTIES_STILL_WORKING can result in undefined behavior and results.


PIC24F size estimates: Flash - 400 bytes (-Os setting) 

PIC24F speed estimates: Search takes approximately 7 seconds per Gigabyte of drive space. Speed will vary based on the number of sectors per cluster and the sector size.

Microchip MDD File System Interface 1.4.2 - [Oct 15, 2012]
Copyright © 2012 Microchip Technology, Inc.  All rights reserved.