Adjust color

Microsoft Picture Manager

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Adjust color

  1. Select the pictures you want to work with.


  2. On the Formatting toolbar, click Edit Pictures.
  3. In the Edit Pictures task pane, under Edit using these tools, click Color.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To automatically adjust the color balance, click Enhance Color, then click an area of the picture that should be white.
    • To manually adjust the hue intensity, move the Amount slider or type a number in the box next to the slider.
    • To manually adjust the hue color, move the Hue slider or type a number in the box next to the slider.
    • To manually adjust the saturation, move the Saturation slider or type a number in the box next to the slider.


  • You can undo an edit by clicking the corresponding Undo command on the Edit menu. The edits to the pictures will not be saved until you explicitly save them.
  • Automatic color adjustment can only be performed on one picture at a time.