MS Excel Spreadsheet

See Also

Returns a number corresponding to one of the error values in the spreadsheet or returns the #N/A error if no error exists. You can use ERROR.TYPE in an IF function to test for an error value and return a text string, such as a message, instead of the error value.



Error_val    is the error value whose identifying number you want to find. Although error_val can be the actual error value, it will usually be a reference to a cell containing a formula that you want to test.

If error_val is ERROR.TYPE returns
#NULL! 1
#DIV/0! 2
#REF! 4
#NAME? 5
#NUM! 6
#N/A 7
#CIRC! 8
Anything else #N/A


The example may be easier to understand if you copy it to a blank spreadsheet.


Formula Description (Result)
=ERROR.TYPE(A2) Number of the #NULL! error. (1)
=IF(ERROR.TYPE(A3)<3,CHOOSE(ERROR.TYPE(A3),"Ranges do not intersect","The divisor is zero")) Checks cell A3 to see whether the cell contains either the #NULL! error value or the #DIV/0! error value. If it does, then the number for the error value is used in the CHOOSE worksheet function to display one of two messages; otherwise, the #N/A error value is returned. (The divisor is zero.)