Populating and Raising Events from Code

Microsoft Enterprise Library 5.0

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The ability to populate and raise events from code is fundamental to the functionality of the Logging Application Block.

Typical Goals

In this scenario, you want to specify the data to be logged, along with a category and priority, so that the application block can log the events to the appropriate trace listener or listeners.


Configure the application to use the Logging Application Block. Use the Enterprise Library configuration tools to configure categories and trace listeners to be used. Create the information that is submitted to the Logging Application Block in the LogEntry object. Call the Write method on the LogWriter class, passing the LogEntry object.

The LogWriter class includes overloads that allow you to pass event information without constructing a LogEntry object. This scenario only demonstrates one overload provided by the LogWriter class. For information about the other overloads, see the Logging Application Block API reference documentation.

The default class for writing a LogEntry in earlier versions of Enterprise Library was the static Logger class. Code that uses the Logger class will continue to work in this release. For information about resolving Enterprise Library objects in your applications, see Creating and Referencing Enterprise Library Objects. For information about the Logger class, see the online documentation for Enterprise Library 4.1, available on the MSDN Web Site.

Creating and Writing a LogEntry

The following code shows how to create a LogEntry object and use the Write method of the LogWriter class. The LogEntry object has a priority of 2 and belongs to both the Trace and UI Events categories. It assumes you have resolved an instance of the LogWriter class through the container and saved it in a variable named myLogWriter.

C# Copy Code
LogEntry logEntry = new LogEntry();

logEntry.EventId = 100;
logEntry.Priority = 2;
logEntry.Message = "Informational message";
logEntry.Categories.Add("UI Events");

Visual Basic Copy Code
Dim logEntry As New LogEntry()

logEntry.EventId = 100
logEntry.Priority = 2
logEntry.Message = "Informational message"
logEntry.Categories.Add("UI Events")


For information about resolving Enterprise Library objects in your applications, see Creating and Referencing Enterprise Library Objects.

Usage Notes

If the message cannot be written to the configured destination, the information is written to the listeners configured for the Logging Errors & Warnings special category.

If you have configured the All Events special source, the event information will be written to that source as well as the sources associated with the categories specified in the LogEntry object.

For applications configured to write to an event log trace listener that specifies a custom event log, and the custom event log does not exist at the time your component writes a log entry, the Logging Application Block will attempt to create that event log. To create the event log successfully, the component using the Logging Application Block must be running with the appropriate privileges. Specifically, it must have full access rights to the registry key HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\EventLog. If applications using the Logging Application Block will not have the appropriate access rights, custom event logs should be created by running installation programs under accounts with the necessary privileges.