

Overview of the ACT! localization process

With each ACT! and ACT! Premium for Web release, an LDK will be distributed. The LDK contains the necessary components to localize ACT!. The LDK for each product version includes the following:

  • ACT! Application Translation Toolkits (TTKs)
  • ACT! Database TTK
  • LDK configuration profile (.ldk)
  • LDK Process Manager
  • Build media report
  • ACT! LDK Getting Started
  • ACT! LDK Help

The ACT! localization process is as follows:

  1. Install the LDK.
  2. Translate TTKs and other components.
  3. Use the LDK Process Manager to copy ACT! build files to your LDK directory. 
  4. Use the LDK Process Manager to finish localizing files.