About the LDK Process Manager


About the LDK Process Manager

There are two essential LDK elements handled by the LDK Process Manager: tasks and processes.

Tasks are operations the LDK Process Manager performs on your translated resources. An example of a task is copying files from one folder to another.

Processes are sets of tasks, grouped together for a common purpose. An example of a process is compiling, digitally signing, and placing files into a localized build.

The LDK Process Manager lets you view and customize the tasks and processes that will produce the localized build. The LDK Process Manager uses .LDK files provided with the LDK installation to retrieve the processes necessary for the localized build. When you run the processes, the tool outputs results to an XML file named ACT.ldr.

You use the LDK Process Manager to:

  • Select a localization profile.
  • Review and edit the processes in the localization profile.
  • Run the processes.

To start the LDK Process Manager,double-click the LDK Process Manager icon on your desktop.

The ACT! LDK currently provides two localization profiles. The first, CopyGoldBuild.ldk, copies ACT! build files from a network location or CD to your local LDK directory. The second, ACT90.ldk, performs the finalization tasks

How do I...?

Select a localization profile

Copy ACT! build files

View the resources to process