
Kvaser Hardware

Kvaser Hardware

Kvaser Hardware is a software tool intended for
use with all installed Kvaser hardware as well as the Kvaser Virtual
CAN Bus. Its main purpose is to provide an easy overview of the
Kvaser Hardware and channels


The application is divided into six main sections (tabs):
Devices A list of currently available hardware and the software licenses on the hardware.
Channel Info Provides additional information about the channels as well as the ability to assign applications to them.
Synchronization Provides information about synchronized hardware.
Diagnostics Driver Diagnostics log
Global Settings Different global options
About Informational section

Each section contains vital information and options for any piece of Kvaser hardware.

Quick Keys

There are a few quick command keys that can be used while using Kvaser Hardware,
these might come in handy at times and are:
  • F1      -  Bring up this help document
  • F5      -  Refresh the current view
  • ESC   -  Exit Kvaser Hardware

It is also possible to click the right mouse button almost anywhere in Kvaser Hardware to copy the selected information to the clipboard in order to save it in a document or perhaps provide the Kvaser Support with some valuable information for troubleshooting.