


property OnResizing: TRBResizingEvent;

type TRBResizingEvent = procedure(

  Sender: TObject;   const OldLocation: TFloatRect;
  var NewLocation: TFloatRect;
  DragState: TDragState;
  Shift: TShiftState) of object;

type TDragState = (dsNone, dsMove, dsSizeL, dsSizeT, dsSizeR, dsSizeB, dsSizeTL, dsSizeTR, dsSizeBL, dsSizeBR);


OnResizing allowes for runtime customization of the rubber band which is being moved or resized using the mouse. This event is called only when the user clicks and drags the layer with the mouse, it is not generated when you set the Location property explicitly.

OldLocation specifies location of the layer before the user started dragging it.

NewLocation determines the new location of the rubber band. You may change the coordinates in order to provide required responce to dragging or resizing operation.

The DragState parameter indicates how the layer is being dragged/resized.

Shift indicates the state of the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys.

See Also
