


property Handles: TRBHandles;

type TRBHandles = set of (rhCenter, rhSides, rhCorners, rhFrame,
rhNotLeftSide, rhNotRightSide, rhNotTopSide, rhNotBottomSide,
rhNotTLCorner, rhNotTRCorner, rhNotBLCorner, rhNotBRCorner);


Determines which handles are visible and draggable by the mouse.

  • rhCenter – corresponds to the internal area of the control, that is the area inside the rectangle specified by Location;
  • rhSides – corresponds to the handles on the edges of the layer;
  • rhCorners – corresponds to the handles at the corners of the layer;
  • rhFrame - corresponds to the frame surrounding the layer;
  • rhNotLeftSide, rhNotRightSide, rhNotTopSide, rhNotBottomSide - set to disable one or more sides (needs rhSides);
  • rhNotTLCorner, rhNotTRCorner, rhNotBLCorner, rhNotBRCorner - set to disable one or more corners (needs rhCorners);

See Also

TPositionedLayer.Location, TRBHandles