


procedure DrawTo(Dst: TBitmap32); overload;

procedure DrawTo(Dst: TBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer); overload;

procedure DrawTo(Dst: TBitmap32; DstX, DstY: Integer; const SrcRect: TRect); overload;

procedure DrawTo(Dst: TBitmap32; const DstRect: TRect); overload;

procedure DrawTo(Dst: TBitmap32; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;

procedure DrawTo(hDst: HDC; DstX, DstY: Integer); overload;

procedure DrawTo(hDst: HDC; const DstRect, SrcRect: TRect); overload;


The DrawTo method renders the bitmap (or part of it specified by SrcRect parameter) onto another bitmap specified by Dst/hDst parameter. It works similar to Draw method but instead of copying data from some other source, the bitmap renders itselt to destination object. See the Draw description for details.

See Also

Draw, TBitmap32, TRect